Transform Frustration into Passion

Personalized Coaching for a Love of Learning

Unlock your child's true potential and ignite their passion for learning with Heart, Soul, & Mind Learning, where education goes beyond homework to nurture their hearts, souls, and minds.

Accredited & Approved ICF

Certified By SuccessCodes

Accredited & Approved By ICF

“If you can think it, you can say it; If you can say it, you can write it!”

About Sarah

Meet Coach Sarah Brown

Founder of Heart, Soul, & Mind Learning

State: Minnesota, USA

Location: Online

Grade Levels: K-6th

Language: English

Credentials: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Multiple years of classroom experience, Experience in Montessori education, Background in office work (Organization and time management are my superpowers!), Certified Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coach.

Coaching Programs: Executive Functions, Reading, Writing, and Learning to Learn.

"Ugggh! I hate this!" "I’m so dumb! I’m just not good at...!" "What’s the point of learning anyway?"

If you’ve ever heard your child say these words, then you understand the struggles of today’s educational system and the challenges of keeping your child on track and engaged. Perhaps your child procrastinates or finds it difficult to even get started on their schoolwork. Maybe they struggle to stay focused, keep track of their materials, and submit assignments on time. They might even doubt their ability to learn or feel inferior to their peers. The constant nagging required to get them to do their work might be straining your relationship and disturbing the peace of your home.

It doesn’t have to stay that way!

As a former traditional classroom teacher, Sarah Brown knows just how much kids can struggle in the school system. That’s why she created Heart, Soul, and Mind Learning: to help students around the world fall in love with learning and reach their full potential. Her practice goes beyond merely delivering content or helping with homework. As a Learning Success Coach, Sarah's goal is to build a strong connection with your child and uncover what’s going on beneath the surface. She takes a holistic approach, analyzing everything that affects their hearts, souls, and minds, and then creates a customized Project Plan tailored to their needs to help them reach their full potential.

Your child will learn to rewire and optimize their brain for stress-free learning, unlocking their true potential and igniting their passion for learning.

Your child will receive a set of customized tools to help them work smarter, not harder. Success will now be at their fingertips!

Your child will have a safe space to express their fears and CAN'Ts. Watch them go from feeling stuck to discovering countless "doors" of resourcefulness.

Your child will be given easy steps to move forward, finding calm, peace, and accomplishment by eliminating distracting over-information.

Your child will understand their strengths, preferences, and the methods that work best for their individual learning style, becoming empowered and confident in their abilities.

A caring, committed Coach who builds a connection with your child at their core. The stress of learning removed. An exponential growth in your child’s love of learning. Your child gaining an understanding of their mind and how to optimize it. A fear of struggling transformed into confidence. Your child celebrating and working within their unique learning style. Overcoming weaknesses and gaining confidence. A clear pathway to success for both you and your child. Improved relationship with your child. Restored calm and peace in your home.

Sarah is passionate about bringing back the true heart of learning—one that educates not just the mind, but also the heart and soul. She sees each student as a unique individual with their own pathway to success and helps them fall in love with learning.

Sarah also specializes in working with homeschool parents to set up, organize, and de-stress their homeschooling journey.

Rediscover the joy of learning with Heart, Soul, and Mind Learning, where education meets passion, and potential becomes reality.

Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching Difference

I set your child up with the winning Mind-Set, needed Skill-Set, customized Action-Set, and personalized Tool-Set.

I understand that one size doesn't fit all, and all my plans are tailored to each child's uniqueness.

I coach struggling students, unmotivated learners, and those who hate schoolwork.

Unlike traditional methods that focus on weaknesses, we harness your child's strengths and their potential.

What You’ll Learn During Your Free Clarity Coaching Call

Why We Are Meeting?

The solution I offer is based in relationship learning, and it’s key to discuss our expectations and determine if we are a match and are motivated to work with each other.

What Happens During the Call?

We will meet and discuss your current situation and your child’s past and recent experience with learning. Based on your child's needs and your goals, I will present to you a custom solution tailored to your child's needs.

What Changes After the Call?

Based on our conversation, you will learn why your child is struggling to learn, and the exact steps needed to improve your child’s motivation, performance and how we can work together as a team.


"We are writing to recommend Sarah Brown, who taught our child, Mackenzie, from kindergarten through second grade. Sarah has been a caring and successful educator and has made a significant impact on Mackenzie's early academic development and personal growth.

Sarah creates a warm and nurturing classroom environment that fosters a love of learning in her students. Her dedication to her students is evident in the thoughtful and engaging lessons she prepares, as well as in the individualized attention she provides. Sarah'ss ability to identify and address the needs of her students has been a benefit for our school.

Beyond academics, Sarah has also been instrumental in developing Mackenzie's social and emotional skills. She encourages kindness, cooperation, and respect among her students, creating a positive and inclusive classroom culture. Mackenzie has developed good relationships with her teachers and classmates and has become more confident and self-assured while under Sarah's support and encouragement.

In summary, we have greatly appreciated Sarah Brown for the past 3 years. She has the desire to insure success, and the well-being of her students is always on her mind. We are confident that she will continue to be a valuable asset to her students."

—Alberto and Tiffany Lam, Parents

"Ms. Sarah has been a wonderful teacher to our boys and has greatly impacted their academic growth. She takes great interest in each student and makes sure that they have the tools they need to succeed, not only academically but also socially and emotionally. I’ve seen this tremendous growth in my oldest child. He went from not reading very well, due to a speech delay, to not only catching up and reading at his grade level but also enjoying it! He used to dread trying to read and now he loves to bring a new book home and read to us. I believe this is because she makes learning interesting and fun and encourages him to try and keep trying even if it’s not perfect, boosting his confidence. She also makes sure we as parents have access to the tools we need to help him through his learning journey. It has been a true blessing to have her teaching our boys!"


"When Ella entered Ms. Sarah's class in 1st grade, she was going through a period of significant change and loss in her life. Ms. Sarah immediately recognized Ella's need for emotional support and helped her integrate into the new school. Throughout the school year, Teacher Sarah was attentive to Ella's struggles and noticed that she had difficulty with writing, eventually identifying that Ella had dysgraphia.

At the beginning, Ella would often get frustrated with trying to get her thoughts on paper, but Ms. Sarah was always patient, understanding and never dismissive of Ella’s struggle with writing. She encouraged Ella in a kind and supportive way, reassuring her that mistakes were okay and helping her build her confidence in writing. Ella still remembers this time fondly, appreciating the way Ms. Sarah believed in her and nurtured her love for writing.

Now in 5th grade, Ella has grown to love writing stories. She eagerly looks forward to creative writing projects at school and takes pride in the stories she creates. She credits much of her passion for writing to Ms. Sarah's encouragement and support during her early schooling years. Ella's journey from struggling with writing to embracing it as a creative outlet showcases the profound impact an attentive, caring and dedicated teacher like Ms. Sarah can have on a student's life."

—Lacey, Parent

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching?

Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching is a wholistic approach to learning that goes beyond traditional tutoring or teaching. It focuses on nurturing a child's growth mindset, emotional intelligence, and essential life skills while addressing personal achievement blockers and academic challenges. We focus on connection before content, we start with Learning Alignment for Achievement. We customize, personalize and individualize to your child's learning uniqueness. 

How is Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching different from tutoring?

While tutoring typically focuses on short-term academic goals, Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching offers a comprehensive approach. We tailor our coaching to your child's unique needs, providing them whole child support so they are empowered to become independent thinkers and learners.

How does the coaching process work?

Our coaching process includes cognitive coaching, executive functioning coaching, academic coaching, and life coaching. It involves developing critical learning and thinking skills, improving time management, setting academic and career goals, and enhancing emotional intelligence. It involves customizing to the learners individual needs and how their brain works. 

What are the long-term benefits of Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching?

You will witness a remarkable transformation in your child. They will become intrinsically motivated to learn, unafraid of challenges and obstacles. Your child WILL experience significant improvements in academic performance, develop critical thinking skills, gain increased self-confidence, and exhibit better time management skills. This overall personal growth will prepare your child for lifelong success.

How can I get started with Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching for my child?

Ready to take the first step towards your child's success? Book a call now for a FREE Clarity Coaching Call with me. Plus, find out if your child qualifies for a $450 discount on our NeuroGrowth Assessment. This assessment will help you understand where your child is and what is holding them back. It will give you the knowledge to help them access their strengths and eliminate weaknesses.

What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s Improve Your Child’s Learning , Enjoyment and Performance at School and in life.

Our collective mission is to serve 1.5 million students by the year 2035.