Empowering Every Student for Excellence in Learning

Experience Wholistic Learning Success

Coach Lisa is committed to helping your child flourish academically and develop a genuine passion for learning.

Accredited & Approved ICF

Certified By SuccessCodes

Accredited & Approved By ICF

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!’”

- Audrey Hepburn

About Lisa

Meet Coach Lisa Ann Finley

Founder of Pathways To Potential

State: PA, USA

Location: Online

Grade Levels: 4th-10th

Language: English

Credentials: B.S. Middle Childhood Education Mathematics and Science, MaED Teacher Leadership, MaED Instructional Design and Leadership and Certified Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coach.

Coaching Programs: Math, Science, ADHD and Learning to Learn.

Every student deserves the opportunity to excel, and every parent deserves the peace of mind that comes with knowing their child possesses the essential skill set, mindset, and proactive action set to thrive in their educational journey.

As a certified Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coach, I empower students to evolve into confident, capable, and independent learners. I believe in celebrating each student's unique strengths, transforming these strengths into their superpowers, and harnessing these superpowers to bridge any learning gaps.

My distinctive Explore, Relate, Connect method not only ignites students' motivation by emphasizing the 'why' of learning but also facilitates the creation of real-life connections. I understand the significance of a personal connection to the learning process.

My passion stems from personal experience; I was once a bright student who sat in class feeling inadequate due to ADHD and learning gaps. No one should ever endure that sense of inadequacy. The number of students experiencing similar struggles has increased, particularly due to the challenges posed by the pandemic.

My areas of expertise encompass general study skills, addressing executive function challenges, guiding students in mathematics and science, and helping with the critical transition to middle school. I also periodically offer enriching classes on exciting science topics and conduct workshops on executive functions.

By embarking on a learning journey with me, students not only gain the knowledge they need but also learn to love the process of learning itself.

Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching Difference

I set your child up with the winning Mind-Set, needed Skill-Set, customized Action-Set, and personalized Tool-Set.

I understand that one size doesn't fit all, and all my plans are tailored to each child's uniqueness.

I coach struggling students, unmotivated learners, and those who hate schoolwork.

Unlike traditional methods that focus on weaknesses, we harness your child's strengths and their potential.

What You’ll Learn During Your Free Clarity Coaching Call

Why We Are Meeting?

The solution I offer is based in relationship learning, and it’s key to discuss our expectations and determine if we are a match and are motivated to work with each other.

What Happens During the Call?

We will meet and discuss your current situation and your child’s past and recent experience with learning. Based on your child's needs and your goals, I will present to you a custom solution tailored to your child needs.

What Changes After the Call?

Based on our conversation, you will learn why your child is struggling to learn, and the exact steps needed to improve your child’s motivation, performance and how we can work together as a team.


“ I have struggled to better learn how my brain works and how I learn best, that is until I had Lisa. Before I thought that me not being able to pay attention was because there was something wrong with me. However, after working with Lisa I learned that everyone's brain works differently. She taught me that just because I don't learn like my friends doesn't mean I'm any less smart. I know I won't forget what I learned from Lisa.”

—Stella, 7th grade student

“Lisa was integral to my child’s development. She was a constant source of positive and candid reflection, encouragement and support. My child developed a better sense of self and responsibility with her, and matured as a middle school learner. I would recommend her without hesitation, she was a wonderful asset for his personal and scholastic growth.” 

—Roger, father of a 6th grader

“Working with Lisa Ann has been an absolute game-changer for our family. Our gifted child, who has been struggling in school due to ADHD and anxiety, has found a true ally in Lisa Ann. Her ability to help him create, implement, and manage effective systems has not only improved his academic performance but has also transformed our relationship with him.

Before Lisa Ann, our evenings were often filled with battles to get homework completed, leading to heightened stress levels in our home. Thanks to Lisa Ann’s guidance, those nightly fights are now a thing of the past. Our household has seen a remarkable reduction in stress, and we have witnessed our child grow into an independent learner. We are profoundly grateful for her expertise, patience, and dedication to helping our child thrive. We can't recommend Lisa Ann enough for her exceptional work as a Learning Success Coach.” 

—Meredith, mother of an 8th grader

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching?

Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching is a wholistic approach to learning that goes beyond traditional tutoring or teaching. It focuses on nurturing a child's growth mindset, emotional intelligence, and essential life skills while addressing personal achievement blockers and academic challenges. We focus on connection before content, we start with Learning Alignment for Achievement. We customize, personalize and individualize to your child's learning uniqueness. 

How is Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching different from tutoring?

While tutoring typically focuses on short-term academic goals, Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching offers a comprehensive approach. We tailor our coaching to your child's unique needs, providing them whole child support so they are empowered to become independent thinkers and learners.

How does the coaching process work?

Our coaching process includes cognitive coaching, executive functioning coaching, academic coaching, and life coaching. It involves developing critical learning and thinking skills, improving time management, setting academic and career goals, and enhancing emotional intelligence. It involves customizing to the learners individual needs and how their brain works. 

What are the long-term benefits of Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching?

You will witness a remarkable transformation in your child. They will become intrinsically motivated to learn, unafraid of challenges and obstacles. Your child WILL experience significant improvements in academic performance, develop critical thinking skills, gain increased self-confidence, and exhibit better time management skills. This overall personal growth will prepare your child for lifelong success.

How can I get started with Wholistic NeuroGrowth Learning Success Coaching for my child?

Ready to take the first step towards your child's success? Book a call now for a FREE Clarity Coaching Call with me. Plus, find out if your child qualifies for a $450 discount on our NeuroGrowth Assessment. This assessment will help you understand where your child is and what is holding them back. It will give you the knowledge to help them access their strengths and eliminate weaknesses.

What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s Improve Your Child’s Learning , Enjoyment and Performance at School and in life.

Our collective mission is to serve 1.5 million students by the year 2035.